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Mental Health Mattes Hoodie

Mental Health Matters.

Emotional, psychological Action represent
mental health. Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with
the stresses of life, find their abilities, learn well and work well and his actions or dealing with
their community .Its very important component of health and well-being that underpins our
individual and collective abilities to make great decisions and build relationships and set the
world we live in .Mental health conditions include mental disorders and psychosocial
disabilities as well other mental states.
Mental health Risks and Factors
Mental health Risks and protective factors can be found in society at different stages .Each
single risk and protective factor has its limited predictive strength. Risks of mental health are
Family violence or conflict, negative life events and low sense of connection to
community. Risks are produced due to excessive intake of Alcohol, binge drinking ,driving
under the influence. That people which show his threaten behaviour to harm self Or others,
psychosis ,or becoming extremely withdrawn or depressed.
Higher Mental Functions
Look for the following
1.Appearance and behaviour
2.Delusions and hallucinations
3.Orientation in place and time
4.Conscious level
6.General intelligence

7.Released reflexes

Appearance and Behavior

Appearance refers to physical characteristics, body habitus, cleanliness and grooming,
Behaviour involves actions or reactions, and physiology relates to bodily functions.
Delusions and hallucinations
Delusions are false beliefs to which the patient firmly adheres despite the fact that their
falsehood is proved, e.g., patient believes that he is under the influence of some
supernatural powers. These beliefs cannot be corrected by arguments.
Hallucinations are false prescriptions of visual, auditory, smell or tactile sensations in the
absence of any external stimulus. For example, patient sees objects hears voices or
appreciates smells in the absence of any external stimulus. These should be differentiated
from illusions which are misinterpretation of external stimulus, e.g., mistaking a shadow for a

Orientation in Place and Time

Ask the patient about approximate time of the day(day or night, morning or evening)and
what place he is in (home or hospital)
Conscious Level
A conscious patient responds clearly to external stimuli including vocal commands and
various questions .Assess the conscious level using the Glasgow coma scale.


For testing the recent memory ask names of public figures day of the week or name of the
mouth. For testing the long term memory ask about important events of the past.
General Intelligence
For general assessment of intelligence ask about the patient’s performance at school or
work place .Formal assessment requires detailed tests.

Released Reflexes
Some reflexes are present in infancy and then disappear. Reappearance suggests brain
Grasp Reflex occurs in contralateral frontal lobe lesion .
Avoiding Response stroke the ulnar side of palm. Patient will move the hand away if
response is present.it occurs in contralateral parietal lobe lesion.

Palm-mental Reflex:

Scratch the skin near the thenar eminence; there will be puckering of
the chin if reflex is present. It suggests brain damage.
Snout Reflex: Apply gentle pressure against patient’s lips with your knuckles or tap lightly
with your finger or tendon hammer. There will be puckering and protrusion of lips if reflex is
present. It is seen in bilateral UMN lesion.
Glabellar Tap Reflex: Tap the glabella (over the root of the nose) repeatedly with your finger.
normally blinking of the eyes occurs 2 to 3 times and then response is inhibited. In
Parkinsonism i, and senile dementia, blinking continues as long as glabella is tapped.

How Mental health damage?
Trauma and injuries have great role in damaging of mental health. Many other factors which
badly effect mental states like negative childhood experiences are abuse or neglect .
Trauma and stress in adulthood, traumatic life events or ongoing stress can increase the risk
of mental illness. Issues such as social isolation, domestic violence, relationship breakdown,
financial or work problems can impact on mental health.

Mental health improvement techniques:

1.Sleep:Sleep is very important for health and it is very important for the health of the
brain .Sleep-disrupted cells regenerate and prepare themselves to engage in activity again.
2.Exercise: Those people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional
wellbeing ,and lower rate of mental illness.
● Exercise is important factor to get good health specially for those people which suffer
by mental illness ,it not only boosts our mood, concentration and alertness, but
improve cardiovascular health and overall physical health.
● Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous, structured or take a long time to have
● If regular exercise is not already part of your routine, you might be wondering how
much you need to do to give your mental health a boost.
● Choose an activity you like ,or have enjoyed in the past, that suits your fitness levels
and abilities.


Gratitude means being grateful for good things in your life like staying positive, writing
practice, exploring reading or journals which gives more knowledge and experience to know
the World and enjoyment that you had the positive experience. Practicing gratitude can help
you to see your life differently in every thing

Gratitude means being grateful for good things in your life like staying positive, writing
practice, exploring reading or journals which gives more knowledge and experience to know
the World and enjoyment that you had the positive experience. Practicing gratitude can help
you to see your life differently in every thing.

Reduce Stress

Physical and mental health both are connected. Some ways in which you reduce the stress
due to maintaining physical health . Physical health which regulates by exercise and
continuing physical activities which make you busy and reduces stress. Mental activities can
reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and improve your depression. Good nutrition will help
you feel better physically but could also improve your mood and depression or stress.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques you do to produce your body’s natural relaxation response which
slow down your breathing, reduce blood pressure and reduce muscles tension and
stress, self hypnosis, biofeedback, Guided imagery and deep breaths Guided imagery, where
you learn to focus on positive images in your mind ,to help you feel more relaxed and happy.


Meditation which includes more things which relax your body and mind health. There are
many points for better health like Visualizations, Sound Healing, Mindfulness meditation,
Movement meditation ,Mantra Meditation, Guided Meditation.
● Visualization meditation allows you to experience the feelings associated with
achieving a future goal. By visualization a person makes an imaginary picture
according to their goals and missions.
● Movement Meditation is a state, a shift of consciousness while doing simple
movements.In movement Meditation make the calm of mind and creating awareness.

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